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My Crowdfunding Journey With InventureX

I am looking to begin a new crowdfunding project on Kickstarter soon and I have spent a lot of time preparing for the launch. I have always dreamed to have my own business and to be allowed to be my own boss. I always wanted to be an entrepreneur. Over the past couple of months I have been developing a new charger for mobile phones. This charger is different from other products that are currently on the market.

I have developed the plans, the prototype, and I am ready to manufacturer a small number of these chargers. I am in need of the funds to do so. I need around $50,000 to bring my idea to life. This is my dream but I did not have this amount of money laying around to invest, not too many people do. That is one of the reasons why I researched crowdfunding. I did not want to let money stand in the way of my dream.

 Crowdfunding seems like a good way to get the funds that I need. After researching Kickstarter I realized that I am going to need help in order to promote my charger. I was going to post my idea and hope that people would take notice to it. After taking with others that have found success on Kickstarter I realized what I really need to do. I need to market my product and my page to get noticed. Those that have had success admitted that they hired a crowdfund marketing service for help. I needed a service that had my best interest in mind rather than just my pocketbook.

 One company that I kept on hearing about is InventureX. I have been looking for a marketing service to help promote my project on Kickstarter and this company has been highly recommended. InventureX will take a look at your project and make an offer for promoting it. They seem interested in my idea and selling my product. They were interested in me and my product. I was like I was forming a partnership with them. They want to see me be successful and that was what the company was going to focus on. It seemed that to them money was an afterthought and my success was the most important thing. That was what I was looking for in a marketing company.

 InventureX was excited about getting the funds needed for my idea. They wanted to make sure I would be successful rather than just sell me their service. That is not the only reason I chose them above the competition. They had great pricing and partnership plans. Instead of paying them a fee upfront, this company only requires a marketing budget to launch your idea. They make their money on the back end by taking a percentage of the sales they attract to your page.

 Everything that I heard from IventureX about crowdfunding has turned out to be true. They hire people that know and understand crowdfunding. This company is properly run and they have excellent customer service. Any time I had a question they would get back to me in a timely manner.

 Without the help of this company I would have struggled with crowdfunding. It took me a long to fully understand Kickstarter. With this company it is all or nothing. I did not want to put all this time into my project and turn up short of my goal. This site was a reflection of my idea and my business. I wanted to get an idea of how successful I could be. This was my first project I was posting on crowdfunding and I did not want to make a mistake. This is why I decided to partner with InventureX. I had a team to guide me and help me avoid mistakes.

 I am ready to launch my project this summer and I feel confident that it will be a success. During my initial talk and reading InventureX reviews, I knew that I would come out ahead developing a partnership with them. I feel that I will come out ahead in crowdfunding. Now I am closer to my goal of having my owner business and taking control of my life. I am ready for the world to see my mobile charger.

Wish me the best of luck!


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